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Jean Anderson
DR/BC Planning and Project Management

Email Jean Anderson
Phone: 831-685-1041

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About Jean Anderson

The State of California and American Red Cross both honored Jean Anderson’s Emergency Services leadership and project management awarding her the California State Senate Certificate of Recognition and the American Red Cross Volunteer of the Year award for the SFO/ARC Air Crash Disaster response program and team training development with the San Mateo County Red Cross.

On a Dark and Stormy Night
Jean Anderson's passion for top notch Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Planning and Response was born in the horrific floods and mudslides in California in 1982. Twenty people died and many are still buried under the disaster debris.

Jean saw people abruptly evacuated from their homes and required to respond to life and death emergencies. Many people were ripped from their homes and support services of everyday life for weeks and in some cases, forever. People without a plan often made poor decisions and some people died because they were not prepared to survive.

As Jean helped the disaster victims as a first time American Red Cross Disaster Services volunteer, she vowed to do whatever she could to empower each person to develop a plan to survive.

Since those dark stormy weeks, Jean completed and developed extensive training at the top Disaster Response Agencies and served as a Disaster Response Leadership volunteer, creating innovative training and volunteer retention programs for the American Red Cross and the Seascape Community Emergency Response Team (CERT). Jean developed the Seascape CERT website to provide free resources for other CERT teams.

To display the Seascape CERT website, go to www.seascapecert.org. To display Jean's Office Disaster Survival Planning Services Resume (PDF), click here.

Project Management Services

As a certified Project Manager, Jean leverages her passion for effective disaster response with her technical expertise to offer Project Management services for companies that develop and/or deploy Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity products.

To display Jean Anderson's Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Project Management resume (PDF), click here.

Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Planning Services

Jean Anderson offers Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity planning services to prepare your company to survive, respond, recover, and restore services ASAP.

To display Jean Anderson's Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity planning Resume (PDF), click here.